Student Success: Student Success: Christos Psevdiotis

1. When did you realize that photography was the field you wanted to pursue?
I was always interested at photography, but only as a hobby. In 2012 I bought my first bridge camera. I didn't notice until then how many advantages a bridge camera can offer you if you have a little imagination and willingness to learn. I had already studied for 3 years at government photography institute, but it wasn't enough. I needed something more. I wanted to join a professional institute, where many well-known professional photographers had studied. That's why in 2013 I enrolled in NYIP’s Complete Course of Professional Photography. I slowly started to enrich my photographic knowledge and understanding of equipment, and that was the start of my success.

2. What was your coursework like?
The workflow at NYIP was very pleasant. The projects were very interesting. The course made learning easy because the teachers gave me all the necessary guidelines I needed to pursue my dreams and become a professional photographer. The instructors were very helpful and patient. All the above, including my passion of photography made me finish something as challenging and comprehensive as my 3 years long course in less than 20 months.
3. What type of work are you doing now?
I offer photographic services in the areas of weddings, christenings and various party events.

4. Tell us about Delight Photography.
Through Delight Photography I manage to communicate with my clients and show them my real passion for photography. After browsing samples of my work, they get to decide if I can be the one to immortalize their precious moments through photographs. My ultimate goal is not only to photograph my clients beautifully, but to portray who they really are.

5. You seem to have extensive experience in various fields- do you have a favorite?
My favorite thing to photograph is weddings. Through wedding photography, I feel like I truly use everything I learned through my studies. Weddings are very demanding and I have to give 100% of my knowledge which personally excites me. When I’m photographing someone’s wedding, I have the opportunity to shoot from preparation- from the start of the ceremony to of course, the party. From shooting the beautiful locations, portraits, wonderful decorations, plus making new client contacts- you really put all your knowledge and training to use throughout the entire wedding day.

6. How do you find new clients and advertise the work you do?
Since I don't have a studio, I find the majority of my clients through my site, my Facebook page or from a marketplace offered for services in my country called atyourservice.
7. What qualities do you think a successful, aspiring photographer needs?
To be a successful photographer in my opinion, you need to have passion. You need to be blessed with getting the shot. Not just any shot. THE shot. You need to be a story teller. You need to care about your subject. You need to have patience and lots of it. You also need a sense of imagination. You need to develop a recognizable style- and last but not least, you need to share. You need to be willing to pass on what you learn to others.

8. What do you always carry with you in your camera bag?
A few items that always have a place in my photography bag are: my trusted NIKON D800 with my 24-70mm 2.8 VR, my 70-200mm 2.8 VR, my 50mm 1.8 prime and my SB700 speedlight (with some spare batteries and memory cards).
9. What’s the most interesting thing you learned at NYIP?
For me, learning about professional wedding photography was simply amazing. Rule Number One that you’re taught in all NYIP courses is the correct way to develop your eye as a photographer. The difference between a great shot and an average one all comes down to the photographer’s ability to spot the little details.

10. If you had to pick one, what was the most memorable photography project you’ve ever completed?
It was my first real wedding shoot. I remember clearly how nervous I was during the first minutes of the groom’s preparation. Luckily, all those nerves disappeared with the moment I made myself simply focus on what I had learned from my course at NYIP. The rest of the day went as well as I expected.
11. Describe a workday in your life as a photographer.
I usually work on weekends due to the fact that I shoot mostly weddings and christenings. So throughout the rest of the week, if I don't have an appointment with clients for new jobs, I spend my days post processing, marketing and learning more about photography whenever I can.

14. What’s the most rewarding part of studying photography?
The most rewarding part is the feedback you get from your clients after they see their digital album.
15. What subject is usually your favorite to shoot for fun?
A family day photoshoot- either inside of a studio or on-location portraits.
16. If you could give one piece of advice to our current and prospective students, what would it be?
SMy advice would be to always continue your education so that you can provide clients with the best services, and don't forget to have fun!