Student Success: Student Success: Felipe Hueb

1. When did you realize that photography was the field you wanted to pursue?
I realized it a few years ago, in 2011. I decided to get started once I began hearing some positive comments about my photographs.
2. What is your coursework like?
I think it’s a very good course. It offers good explanations and helpful materials.
3. Is your mentor helpful during the process?
Yes. Every moment that I request some help or comments about my work, I always receive a quick answer.
4. What type of work are you doing now?
I currently have my own company that works with images and videos for several different subject areas (, and I recently finished setting up my own photography studio, so I’ll be working there now as well.
5. Tell us about the Moscow International Photo Award you won!
I was looking for some competition, and the first that I came across was MIFA. I entered with just one photo and I received an Honorable Mention Certificate. You can check the photograph out here.
6. What qualities do you think a successful, aspiring photographer needs?
You need to create works people can identify with, and you need to generate good quality contacts within the industry.
7. After graduation, what are your plans?
I plan to keep working hard to be a successful photographer. My objective is to be a recognizable, well-known photographer.
8. What do you always carry with you in your camera bag?
Just a few crucial things- my Canon 70D, a 18-55 Lens, a memory card and a battery backup.
9. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned so far at NYIP?
I had never studied photography before NYIP, so there were a lot of things that I didn’t know before started the course, and learning along the way is really helping me in my professional work.
10. If you had to pick one, what was the most memorable photography project you’ve ever completed?
I did some works with nude art. It was a memorable experience simply because the quality of the work I did really exceeded my expectations. You can see a part of that work here.
11. Describe a day in your life as a photographer.
I recently closed a contract with the biggest modeling agency of Brasília. That new deal is bringing me a lot of new projects. Lately, I spend my day working with new clients and looking for additional ones via social media, or through personal contacts.
12. What’s the most rewarding part of studying photography?
I think it’s finding the right solution to a certain problem that I was working through.
13. What subject is usually your favorite to shoot?
I like to take pictures of the nature and the woods. The contrast of colors in those kind of places gives me more imagination, facilitating an easier workflow for me.
14. If you could give one piece of advice to our current and prospective students, what would it be?
Study a lot, be different and always keep looking for good professional contacts.
Want to learn more? NYIP offers online photography classes that can help you learn photography or start a new career. Request your free course catalog