Student Success: Gabriel Olude

1. When did you realize that photography was the field you wanted to pursue?
My coming into the field of photography was actually born out of the need to be able to create imagery I wanted to use in graphic work. I wanted to work on images but quickly realized that photographers wouldn’t allow me to work on their photographs so I decided learn photography.
2. When did you enroll at NYIP?
I enrolled in 2014/15 and I did so because I wanted to learn from the best.
3. What was your coursework like?
Coursework was pretty intensive. I thought I could complete it in 6 months but it took me about 2 years to conclude!
4. Was your mentor helpful during the process?.
My mentor was extremely helpful because one of the reasons I also joined was to have Mentorship during the training.

5. What type of work are you doing now?
I am an international Photo Artist or what you could call a Digital Artist.
6. Tell us about your journey as a photographer.
The journey has been with lots of ups and downs. After the course, I still enrolled in other courses to increase and improve my ability as a professional. The fact that I took an unusual path in Photoshop Artistry led to my efforts as an Artist being called to question by traditional photographers who ridiculed and criticized my work. I however had a dream and thus in spite of being misunderstood and not being accepted by the traditional photography industry I still proved myself as professional photographer and photo Artist! In the course of discovering who I was, I ended up with over 176 international awards, had my art featured as cover pages of Facebook groups and pages, aside being featured in International Magazines both online and in print. Also, my art was exhibited in Italy and India respectively. So the journey aside being extremely tough and lonely has been worth my while.
7. How do you find new clients and advertise the specific work you do?
Initially I got clients by referrals from some satisfied customers but now I advertise via the social media for more clients.
8. What qualities do you think a successful, aspiring photographer needs?
The qualities a successful, aspiring photographer needs is to firstly have a firm belief in his abilities and also be consistent in the pursuance and completion of set goals and objectives despite the opposing circumstances that life will throw in his path.

9. What do you always carry with you in your camera bag?
I actually don’t carry a camera bag because 99% of my work in done in the studio. I use a Canon EOS T2i with a 1.8 50mm prime lens. I use one gridded soft box (modifier) to create my art in the studio.
10. What’s the most interesting thing you learned at NYIP?
The most interesting thing I learned at NYIP is the ability to pursue and complete projects with set timelines. This has helped me to create serious portfolios with this mindset.
11. If you had to pick one, what was the most memorable photography project you’ve ever completed or show you’ve ever shot?
Wow, there are so many, but the most memorable is when I shot a beautiful model in my studio and the image went one to gather over 6,500 likes in Facebook and numerous international awards and magazine feature. The reason its memorable is that I met the model on Instagram and invited her over for a photoshoot and during the session I got to know that she was discouraged by a friend from coming over. If she had declined, I probably won’t have ever been able to create the masterpiece that came as the result of our shoot.

12. Describe a workday in your life as a photographer.
Before I arrive at the studio, I would have already scheduled shoots or projects. So once I get to the studio, I briefly check my emails and messages. Then prepare myself for the shoot or in the event there isn’t any scheduled shoot, I engage myself with editing the already done work. Once I have concluded the scheduled activities for the day, I spend time reading and learning more skills from online courses I have subscribed to.
13. What’s the most rewarding part of studying photography?
Well, the most part of studying photography is that I am exposed to techniques from vast number of professionals and this helps to improve my skill sets as a professional.
14. What subject is usually your favorite to shoot?
I love to shoot women mostly. I believe everywoman is a masterpiece and thus this is my favorite subject to shoot. Always.
15. If you could give one piece of advice to our current and prospective students, what would it be?
I would advise prospective students to sign up immediately for a life changing experience that is second to none. To the current students, I would say immerse yourself totally to every part of the courses offered and set definite objectives of what you wish to take from the course.