Student Success: Student Profile Linda Lagerway

By NYIP Staff on January 23 2011

© NYIP Student Lynda J. Lagerwey

As we've noted, this eye-catching photo by NYIP Student Lynda J. Lagerwey has the look and feel of a professional commercial image. It's not. Lynda took this photo as part of an experiment in lighting and composition that was part of her NYIP Unit Five Photo Project.

Lynda noticed "the wonderful colors and textures in her backyard swimming pool." She thought that might make an interesting background. She chose two colorful peppers, sliced each one in half and then floated them in the shallow end of the pool. Hanging over the edge of the pool, Lynda used her 35mm single lens reflex (SLR) and its zoom lens to frame the peppers in a tight composition.

The conditions were perfect: Early morning sun at a low angle illuminated the peppers and made them pop – bright red and yellow against a vibrant blue background. A slight breeze across the water's surface created a ripple-effect. Lynda's only problem was to get the photo before the breeze pushed the peppers out of frame.

At NYIP, we teach students to plan each photograph before taking it, and to apply NYIP's Three Guidelines for Great Photographs every time they look through the camera's viewfinder. Lynda planned and executed this photo, creating a strong graphic design that complements the peppers' bright colors.

Lynda's teacher recommended this photo for an NYIP Award of Merit. Lynda, like every NYIP student, had the benefit of steady feedback and encouragement from her NYIP instructor and student advisor during her training.

It's no wonder that Lynda wrote us: "I have subsequently used my 'pool' background for photographing other objects. It offers many alternatives depending on the time of day and the available lighting. Thank you, NYIP."

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