Professional Photography Course
Lesson 3.2 Artificial and Studio Photography Lighting

Lesson 3.2, we explore the bread-and-butter of a professional photographers’ workflow- artificial and studio light. Head to the Adorama superstore in New York City with NYIP mentors George Delgado and Phil Mauro as you explore the various flash photography selections available. Explore the benefits of different equipment options as you decide which gear is right for you. Learn the difference between floodlights and spotlights, as well as the pros and cons of each.
What You’ll Learn in the Artificial and Studio Photography Lighting Lesson
- Practice white balancing floodlights
- Learn flash photography
- Discover how to set up studio lighting for product photography
- Master how to use umbrella lights during studio photography
- Learn how to use studio lights
- Explore Quartz halogen lights, fluorescent bulbs and umbrellas
- Assemble a basic lighting set-up
- Browse the best professional flash photography tips
- Read studio lighting tips for portrait photography
How to Use Studio Photography Lights
Analyze photos as you learn the right lighting set-ups needed to achieve a variety of effects. Watch what happens when different lighting equipment is moved, adjusted or removed from the equation. Listen as NYIP expert Franco Vogt shares his perspective on light, color and emotion in our images. Finally, close out an info-packed lesson with a quick quiz to test your knowledge.